nucleolus|nucleoli in English


[nu·cle·o·lus || nuː'klɪəʊləs /nju-]

small round body within a nucleus composed of protein and RNA (Biology)

Use "nucleolus|nucleoli" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nucleolus|nucleoli" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nucleolus|nucleoli", or refer to the context using the word "nucleolus|nucleoli" in the English Dictionary.

1. • Nucleolus

2. 18 The nuclei are monomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli.

3. Key words: Hepatica, satellited B, end to end association, origin, nucleolus organizing regions.

4. The FEAR regulatory network promotes Cdc14p release from the nucleolus during anaphase.

5. Nucleoli of HeLa-cells, however, possess a lower dry weight but higher dry mass concentration, whereas nucleoli of amnion cells have a higher dry mass content and a bigger volume but lower dry mass concentration, i.e. they have more water per volume unit.

6. The nucleolus is an informative model structure for studying how Chromatin-regulated transcription relates to nuclear organisation

7. The neoplastic cells vary from small to large, showing folding and Cleaving of the nuclei, resembling centrocytes (small- to medium-sized cleaved cells with inconspicuous nucleoli) and centroblasts (large noncleaved cells with vesicular chromatin and several peripheral nucleoli).

8. Ag-positive structures were present at the nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) in all stages of the meiotic cycle.

9. Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids , Golgi apparatus[sentencedict .com], and do not exhibit cyclosis.

10. 13 There is distinct nucleolus the naked nucleus and some dispersed organelle as lysosome around the nucleus.

11. We compared the number of nucleoli in cells of meningioma cultures which have lost none, one, two or more acrocentric chromosomes.

12. In this paper it has been proved that the nucleoli area remains constant independent of the loss or gain of acrocentric chromosomes.

13. Centromeres are often, but not always, located next to nucleoli, with which they have an intricate, but also incompletely understood, relationship

14. Antiquated term describing follicular (nodular) or diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphomas that are composed of a mixture of large cells: large Cleaved cells, with irregular nuclei without visible nucleoli; and large non-Cleaved cells (centroblasts), having a rounder nucleus with two to three small, peripherally placed nucleoli and a small amount of basophilic cytoplasm.

15. This paper now adds one more facet to this picture by showing that contacts between Centromeres and the nucleolus influence the abundance of centromeric transcripts

16. All our advanced severe cases of Alzheimer's disease had dramatic cholinergic cell loss in the basal forebrain, even after correction for cell or nucleolus shrinkage.

17. The myofilaments and the periodic segmentation of the cytoplasm disappear, the nuclei increase by amitosis and the nucleoli enlarge, the mitochondria multiply, and densely layered membrane systems develop.

18. At the ultrastructural level primary changes were established one to four hours after injection of actinomycin: In the nucleolus granular and fibrillar material became separated; there was a substantial increase of the fibrillar component.

19. The sequence of possible events for interpreting the child's complement as the result of a disturbance at the nucleolus organizer of chromosome 15 short arm is presented, and comparison is made with other published cases of bisatellited acrocentric chromosomes.